Another year under the pandemic sign, which has kept affecting everything and everybody. We are no exception. This issue comes out in a mixed Winter/Spring 2021 version, simply because one of the persons working on it had to drop out due to reasons, and there wasn’t enough time to look after all the things involved in the ezine management.

We expect to get back to normal when the situation gets more stable Covid-wise, with more people (hopefully) involved again in the operations.

Issue #6 has some great flash fiction, both original and reprint, and dark poetry. For the first time, the translation is not a poem but a story, contributed by the Japan Fantasy Award winner Umiyuri Katsuyama and translated by Toshiya Kamei.

We will also have a submission opening shortly. It is going to be both a general opening and a specific call for an anthology –our first, which will include some pieces already published in Frozen Wavelets and new work. The anthology will be published in collaboration with a Scottish press in 2022. More about what we’re looking for will be made clear in a dedicated post on our blog.

For now, enjoy Issue #6 and spring time.

Steph P. Bianchini, Editor

Acknowledgement: We’d like to acknowledge here the work of our second readers (essential for voting on the shortlisted pieces). Also, a special thanks to one of the contributors to Issue # 6, Jess Hyslop, for her donation to the magazine. Cover art by H. Eskandr.