It is with great pleasure that we share this second issue of Frozen Wavelets, with its roundup of fifteen amazing writers and poets, and a couple of good news.

First of all, the offering. As in issue #1, we have a mix of flash fiction pieces and poems, accompanied by a page of short-short poetry, our wavelets in the purest form. You will find fantasy and SF/horror in various declinations, to suit all tastes. The poem in translation for Winter 2020 is by Avra Margariti, in English together with its Greek text.

Now, about the news: the first one is that we have applied for an ISSN number, after which we’re going to make the magazine available in .mobi and .epub format on the various platform (Amazon, Kobo, etc).  We’ve made the decision to keep all the pieces free to read online on the website, in order to give our authors maximum exposure, so getting some dollars from the zine’s online distribution will help us cover the costs. 

The second news is that we’re going to have a special issue for nonbinary speculative fiction in Frozen Wavelets #5, Fall 2020. The guest editor for this special issue will be Eris Young. Eris is a short fiction critic and writer and the managing editor at Æther/Ichor, a fantasy magazine that ran from 2016 to 2020. They’re also the 2020 Scottish Book Trust New Writer Award Winner and the writer-in-residence in Edinburgh’s Lighthouse Radical Bookshop.

More about Eris and what we’re looking for this special issue when we circulate the submission call —watch the blog space. We expect to open again for submission this summer, at some moment. 

In the meantime, enjoy Frozen Wavelets #2 and let us know what you’ve liked the most.

Steph P. Bianchini, Editor

Acknowledgement: as usual, I’d like to acknowledge here the work of our second readers (essential for voting on the shortlisted pieces) and the graphic design consultant, Barbara Vacca. Also, a special thanks to one of the contributors to issue # 2, Maura Yzmore, for her donation to the magazine. Cover art by H. Eskandr.