Robert Beveridge (he/him) makes noise ( and writes poetry in Akron, OH. Recent/upcoming appearances in The Virginia Normal, Credo Espoir, and Chiron Review, among others.

Jenny Blackford poetry has appeared in august Australian and international literary journals as well as Asimov’s, Strange Horizons and multiple Rhysling anthologies. Award-winning Sydney press Pitt Street Poetry published an illustrated chapbook of her cat poems, The Duties of a Cat, in 2013, and her first full-length poetry book, The Loyalty of Chickens, in 2017.

A.L. Blacklyn currently resides not too far from the coastline in the Southeastern United States. They share a small house with their husband, child, pets, and any wildlife that can follow a few house rules. You can find more dark reflections at

Robert Borski did not begin to write poetry until he was well into the middle of his sixth decade — hence his frequent description of himself as a late-blooming child prodigy — but since then has had well over 300 poems published in such venues as Asimov’s, Dreams & Nightmares, Strange Horizons, and Star*Line, as well as a first collection of verse, Blood Wallah and Other Poems (Dark Regions Press). He can be found on both Facebook and Twitter (@bobbersPoint). Anyone interested in reading more of Borski’s work should check the bibliography at

P.A. Cornell was born in Chile and raised in Canada, where she now lives her dream of writing speculative fiction full time. She shares her Ontario home with her husband, children and a cat with anger issues. Her fiction has appeared in several anthologies, and she has stories forthcoming in Galaxy’s Edge and the anthology, A Punk Rock Future. Follow her on Facebook and Instagram (@CornellWriter), Twitter (@PACornellWriter) or visit her website for a list of publications and additional links.

Robert Dawson teaches mathematics at a Nova Scotian university. In his spare time he writes, hikes, and fences. He has published more than seventy science fiction stories in Nature Futures, Compelling SF, and many other periodicals and anthologies; a more-or-less up-to-date listing is at He is a member of SF Canada and SFWA, and an alumnus of the Sage Hill and Viable Paradise writing workshops.

Melanie Harding-Shaw is a speculative fiction writer, policy geek, and mother-of-three from Wellington, New Zealand. Her work has recently appeared in publications such as Daily Science Fiction and The Arcanist, and now Frozen Wavelets. You can find her at, and on Facebook and Twitter

Avra Margariti is a queer Social Work undergrad from Greece. She enjoys storytelling in all its forms and writes about diverse identities and experiences. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Daily Science Fiction, The Forge Literary, The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts, Argot Magazine, The Arcanist, and other venues. You can find her on twitter @avramargariti.

Born and raised in India, Rati Mehrotra now lives and writes in lovely Toronto. She is the author of the epic science fantasy novels Markswoman and Mahimata published by Harper Voyager. Her short stories have appeared in Lightspeed Magazine, Apex Magazine, IGMS, Podcastle, Cast of Wonders, AE – The Canadian Science Fiction Review, Abyss & Apex, and many more. Find out more about her at or follow her on Twitter @Rati_Mehrotra.

Margarita Serafimova was a finalist in eight international poetry contests. She has three collections in Bulgarian, and work in Agenda Poetry, London Grip, Waxwing, Trafika Europe, A-Minor, Poetry South, Nixes Mate, Journal, Orbis, Minor Literatures, Writing Disorder, Chronogram, Noble/ Gas,Origins, glitterMOB, Landfill, Obra/Artifact, Leveler, Memoir Mixtapes, etc. Visit:

Lorraine Schein is a New York poet and writer. Her work has appeared in VICE Terraform, Strange Horizons, Syntax and Salt, Enchanted Conversation, Nonbinary Review, and in the anthologies Gigantic Worlds, Tragedy Queens: Stories Inspired by Lana del Rey & Sylvia Plath, Phantom Drift, and Aphrodite Terra. Her story “Sleeping Westward,” in the anthology Visions VII: Universe (Rogue Star Press), was nominated for the 2017 Canopus Award for Interstellar Fiction. The Futurist’s Mistress, her poetry book, is available from Some of her work is available to read on the site Curious Fictions at

Lisa Timpf is a retired Human Resources and communications professional who lives in Simcoe, Ontario. Her speculative poetry has appeared in a number of venues, including Star*Line, Eye to the Telescope, New Myths, and Dreams & Nightmares, and over 30 of her short stories have been published in magazines and anthologies. Lisa has also several written book reviews for The Future Fire. When not writing, Lisa enjoys playing with her Border Collie, Emma, bird-watching, and reading. You can find out more about Lisa and her writing at her blog site, The Writing Journey,

DJ Tyrer is the person behind Atlantean Publishing, was placed second in the 2015 Data Dump Award for Genre Poetry, and has been published in The Rhysling Anthology 2016, issues of Cyaegha, Frostfire Worlds, The Horrorzine, Illumen, Outposts of Beyond, Scifaikuest, Sirens Call, Star*Line, Tigershark and The Yellow Zine, and online at Grievous Angel, Lonesome October, and Three Drops from a Cauldron, as well as releasing several chapbooks, such as The Tears of Lot-49. The echapbook One Vision is available from Tigershark Publishing’s website. Find him at

Kim Whysall-Hammond is a scientist and an expert in obsolete telecommunications arcana, who used to write poetry and hide it away. She now shares poetry on her blog ( and has been published by Ink, Sweat and Tears, Three Drops from a Cauldron, Amaryllis, Crannóg and Star*Line. She believes, against all evidence, that she is a good dancer.

Maura Yzmore is a writer and scientist based in the American Midwest. Her speculative fiction can be found in Kanstellation, The ArcanistThe Molotov Cocktail, and elsewhere. Website: Twitter: @MauraYzmore